Project Description


These copper brazing alloys have excellent corrosion resistance and high eletrical and thermal copper conductivity. One of the most widely-used alloy is the Copper-Phosphorous alloy,

which have outstanding brazing properties and wide capabilities. Phosporous acts as a reducing agent for copper and also deoxidizes silver.

Available Shapes : Wire, Rod, Flat, Square, Spool, Ring, Paste/Powder

Grades Composition Temper
Ag P Cu Solid Liquid
L-CuP6 6 bal 710 890
BCu93P 6.8-7.5 bal 710 790
L-CuP7 7 bal 710 790
BCuP-2 7.0-7.5 bal 710 793
BCu92P 7.5-8.5 bal 710 780
L-CuP8 8 bal 710 770
L-CuSnP7 Sn:6.8-7.2 6.6-7.0 bal 650 700
BCu91PAg 1.8-2.2 6.8-7.2 bal 645 788
BCuP-6 1.8-2.2 6.8-7.2 bal 645 788
L-Ag2P 2 6.2 bal 645 825
BCu89PAg 4.8-5.2 5.8-6.7 bal 645 815
BCuP-3 4.8-5.2 5.8-6.2 bal 645 815
BCuP-7 4.8-5.2 6.5-7.0 bal 645 785
L-Ag5P 5 6 bal 645 815
BCu87PAg 5.8-6.2 7.0-7.5 bal 645 724
BCuP-4 5.8-6.2 7.0-7.5 bal 645 724
BCu80PAg 14.5-15.5 4.8-5.2 bal 645 800
BCuP-5 14.5-15.5 4.8-5.2 bal 645 800
L-Ag15P 5 5 bal 645 800
BCu70PAg 17.5-18.5 6.0-6.5 bal 645 645
18M 18 6.3 bal 645 645
L-Ag18P 18 7.05 bal 645 645